Ancient Epic.
Homer, Virgil, Ovid: these ancient poets created the first masterpieces of ancient literature that many of us encounter as we embark on our studies of Classics. We’ve drawn inspiration from their epic poems - as well as the colours and designs of vintage books and scholarly texts - to create our first range of jewellery for bibliophiles.
Book Cover Studs (Aeneid)
Book Pages Studs (Iliad)
Book Pages Studs (Aeneid)
Book Spine Studs (Homer)
Book Spine Studs (Ovid)
Book Cover Necklace (Iliad)
Book Cover Necklace (Aeneid)
Open Book Necklace (Odyssey)
Open Book Necklace (Aeneid)
Book Stack Necklace (Homer)
Book Cover Hoops (Odyssey)
Book Pages Hoops (Iliad)
Book Pages Hoops (Aeneid)
Book Spine Hoops (Ovid)
Book Cover Brooch (Aeneid)
Open Book Brooch (Iliad)